YOU have the power to change lives through kindness!

We are thrilled to be here to provide tools to help you explore that power.

"Imagine what our neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person."

~ Fred Rogers ~

About kindABILITY

Do you know someone who...

- adds positivity to the world?

- goes out of their way to show kindness?

- spends their time empowering others?

>>> I would love to feature them on this website and on socials! <<<

Share their story with me (privately) using the form below

for a chance to put them in the spotlight and earn F R E E swag for you!

*featured spotlights and swag earners will be selected monthly*

For a chance to win FREE swag: Complete the form below with YOUR information! Use the comments section to tell me about your spotlight nominee!

  • In the classroom...

    Encourage a classroom culture of support and empowerment with our unique notes and stickers.

    - 1 -

    Have students anonymously submit notes from one of our W'inked books throughout the week.

    - 2 -

    Get the week started off with an inclusive mindset by reading them aloud on Mondays.

    - 3 -

    Incentivize by awarding the student who submits the most notes from last week!

  • At home...

    Start a chain reaction of kindness at home with our empowerment notes.


    • throw one in a lunchbox for a lunchtime confidence boost
    • slip a note into your spouse's luggage before they leave for a work trip
    • leave a note by the bathroom sink for a loved one to find in the morning before getting their day started


    The very best way to foster kindness in those closest to you is by creating habits and setting examples in the home!

  • Note to self...

    The most influential support in any person's life is their own self-concept. Ignite a spark within yourself or a loved one with our W'inked books packed full of empowerment notes.

    >>> FOR YOU <<<

    Start each day by filling out a self affirmation page highlighting your own value. Then, place the note in a place that you are sure to see and re-read at the end of the day. Embrace the power of belief in yourself!

    >>> FOR YOUR CHILD <<<

    Encourage confidence in their little developing self-esteem by having them fill out their own affirmations before school. Place it in their lunchbox or on their pillow so they are sure to revisit all the positive things they have to say about themselves!